All About Concertinas

A concertina, a free reed instrument that has bellows similar in function to accordions, is called a concertina. It is smaller, lighter and more difficult than an accordion to play.

The Concertina is a popular instrument in Irish traditional music. Here are some tips to help you master the instrument if you’re a beginner.

1. Choose the type of game you want to play. Most commonly, the Anglo German and English varieties are available.

2. You will need finger rings to play the concertina. The type of concertina you are playing will determine the type of finger ring that you use.

3. You can get a set of books for the concertina or just a few. The “Del Rey Deluxe Concertina Book” is a great option if you have an Anglo concertina. It’s also widely available.

4. Before you move on to the more difficult songs, learn a few basic songs.

5. YouTube has a lot of tutorials and talented musicians that will help you learn how to play the guitar.

Additional knowledge:

An Anglo concertina can be used for Irish or folk music. Pull/push the bellows to change the note quickly. English has more buttons and is more versatile.

The range of a concertina is about the same as that of a violin. You can play the sheet music for the violin on the concertina.

Anglo concertinas are slightly more expensive than Anglo because they have more buttons and reeds.

Two major types of concertina:

The English concertina was invented by Wheatstone. The English concertina typically has 48 keys. However, some models have 56 keys. Anglo concertina: This was created just after the English one. It uses the diatonic German instrument model. These instruments were the predecessors of the harmonica or the melodeon.

Here are some tips for buying concertina

You have two options when buying a concertina: you can either buy new or used. It is important to have someone who has a good knowledge of the instrument with you if you are buying used ones. You could end up with an instrument that is more than 60 years old. This is fine as some of the best instruments are around this age. However, buying older instruments can be costly. There may be hidden problems that are not obvious to the naked eye. If you plan to play in groups, make sure the instrument is set in ‘concertina pitch’.

Different types of concertinas can be used to play different kinds of music. An English concertina is best if you are looking to play in groups. The Anglo scale is great for folk dancing and morris.

It’s okay to ask the dealer to remove the ends and have a look inside when you buy concertina. There may be wood worms or other things inside. Some dealers may disagree on doing it.